Benilton Azwalt B

Trainee Consultant @ChainSys | Ex-Intern @Zoho | Full Stack Developer



A versatile full stack developer, proficient in Java, Spring Boot, Python, Django, JavaScript, React, MySQL & PostgreSQL with 8 months of internship experience in full stack development at Zoho & a B.E. degree in CSE. Secured top 0.3% global ranking in Rated Contests Leaderboard on HackerEarth & earned 5 Star Java Language Badge. Secured top 3.9% global ranking in Contests on LeetCode & earned Knight Badge. Cleared 15 skill certification assessments on HackerRank & earned 6 Star Gold Badge for Problem Solving & 5 Star Gold Badge for Java, Python & SQL. Certified in Google Cloud Computing Foundations. Done full stack projects such as E-Commerce, Social Media, Chat, Blogger, Q&A & To-Do web apps with cloud deployment & external API integration. Proficient in computer science fundamentals, data structures, algorithms, object-oriented programming, design patterns, system design & databases.


E-Commerce Web App

E-Commerce Web App

    Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, JavaScript, React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, MUI, MySQL, Hibernate, Razorpay, Docker, Render, Vercel & TiDB Cloud.
    Implemented e-commerce functionalities such as product carousels, categories, details, filters, cart, orders, addresses, payments, admin page for tracking order & product status, sign in & sign up.
    Utilized external API endpoints such as Razorpay API for order payments. Deployed the Docker containerized Spring Boot app on Render & the React app on Vercel. Used TiDB Cloud for the MySQL Database.

Social Media Web App

Social Media Web App

    Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, JavaScript, React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, MUI, MySQL, Hibernate, Docker, Render, Vercel & TiDB Cloud.
    Implemented social media functionalities such as text & image post with timing, repost, like, reply & deletion, user follow, search & profile with updation, sign in & sign up.
    Utilized external API endpoints such as Cloudinary API for image storage. Deployed the Docker containerized Spring Boot app on Render & the React app on Vercel. Used TiDB Cloud for the MySQL Database.

Chat Web App

Chat Web App

    Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, JavaScript, React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, MUI, MySQL, Hibernate, Docker, Render, Vercel & TiDB Cloud.
    Implemented real-time chat functionalities such as single & group chat with timestamp & deletion, profile picture, user search, sign in & sign up.
    Utilized external API endpoints such as Cloudinary API for image storage. Employed Spring Boot WebSocket in the backend & leveraged StompJS & SockJS in the frontend for real-time communication. Deployed the Docker containerized Spring Boot app on Render & the React app on Vercel. Used TiDB Cloud for the MySQL Database.

Blogger Web App

Blogger Web App

    Tech Stack: Django, JavaScript, React, Bootstrap & PostgreSQL.
    Implemented blog functionalities such as adding, updating & deleting articles, login & sign up.

To-Do Web App

To-Do Web App

    Tech Stack: Django, JavaScript, React, Bootstrap & PostgreSQL.
    Implemented to-do functionalities such as add updating & deleting to-dos.
    Arranged to-dos by completion status with checkbox to mark as completed.

Q&A Web App

Q&A Web App

    Tech Stack: Django, Bootstrap & PostgreSQL.
    Implemented Q&A app functionalities such as adding, updating, deleting questions & answers with search, my Q&A page, profile updation, login & sign up.
